
Boost Your Learning Power with the SQ5R Method: A Comprehensive Guide

The SQ5R method is a systematic approach to learning and comprehending written material. It was developed by Francis P. Robinson in the 1950s and has since become a popular study technique among students and learners of all ages. The acronym "SQ5R" stands for Survey, Question, Read, Reflect, Recite, and Review. These six steps provide a structured framework for actively engaging with written material and maximizing retention and comprehension. Let's take a closer look at each step: Survey Before diving into the material, it's helpful to get a high-level overview of what you will be learning. Skim through the headings, subheadings, and any visuals (e.g., charts, graphs, diagrams) to get a sense of the main ideas and structure of the text. Question As you survey the material, write down any questions that come to mind. These questions can be about specific details or about the broader concept being discussed. Having a list of questions will help you stay focused and m

5 Tips for Successfully Studying 300 Pages in 14 Days

If you have a lot of material to cover in a short amount of time, it can be overwhelming to figure out where to start. Here are five tips to help you study 300 pages in 14 days: Create a study schedule Break the material into manageable chunks and schedule specific times each day to study. For example, you could aim to study 50 pages per day or 25 pages in the morning and 25 in the evening. Take breaks Taking breaks to rest and recharge during your study sessions is important. This can help you stay focused and retain more of the material you are studying. Use active learning techniques Rather than just reading the material, try to actively engage with the content by taking notes, summarizing key points, or trying to explain the material to someone else. Review and revise Make sure to review and revise the material regularly to reinforce your learning. You could try creating flashcards or quizzing yourself to test your knowledge. Stay motivated Studying can be challenging, so it is im

5 Simple Hacks to Boost Your Productivity as a Medical Student

As a medical student, it's important to be productive in order to succeed academically and achieve your goals. However, it's easy to get bogged down by distractions, procrastination, and a lack of time management skills. Here are some tips to help you boost your productivity as a student: Get organized with a to-do list Having a clear list of tasks that need to be completed can help you stay organized and focused. Prioritize your tasks and try to tackle the most important or time-sensitive ones first. Maximize your time with a schedule Setting aside specific times for studying and completing assignments can help you make the most of your time. Consider scheduling breaks to allow yourself time to rest and recharge. Find the perfect study space  A quiet, well-lit, and organized space can help you focus and be more productive. If you have trouble concentrating at home, consider studying at a library or coffee shop. Don't forget to take breaks While it's important to stay o

The Pomodoro Technique: A Proven Method for Staying Focused and Boosting Productivity

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method developed by Francesco Cirillo in the 1980s. It involves breaking down your work into blocks of time , typically 25 minutes in length, followed by a short break . This technique can be a helpful way to boost your productivity and stay focused on your tasks. Here's how to use the Pomodoro Technique: Choose a task that you want to work on. It should be a specific, defined task that you can complete within 25 minutes. Set a timer for 25 minutes and begin working on your task. Try to minimize distractions and stay focused on the task at hand. Take a short break (usually 5-10 minutes) when the timer goes off. Use this time to stretch, take a walk, or do something else that helps you relax and recharge. After your break, set the timer for another 25 minutes and return to your task. Repeat this process until you have completed four "pomodoros," at which point you can take a longer break (15-30 minutes). The Pomodoro Techniqu

Broca's, Wernicke's, Conductive, Cortical... Remember Aphasia with these Mnemonics (INFOGRAPHIC)

Aphasia is defined as an i nability to produce or understand messages communicated by written or spoken language which are not caused by motor, visual or auditory deficits. Here is an infographic that can help you remember aphasias.  ( Illustration created using Canva )

Simplest Way to Memorize Brand Names of Medications (Free Android Application)

There are many ways to memorize trade names of drugs, but few are as effective or efficient as this. Guess Drugs is a free Android app and probably the easiest and fastest way that I have found to learn the brand names of medications. I started using it in medical school, and I still use it from time to time. It's really worth checking out if you want a great strategy for memorizing medications.

Can't remember if mydriasis or miosis is wider? Try out this mnemonic!

If you have miosis, your pupils are constricted. If you have mydriasis, they're dilated. What's the easiest way to tell? A mnemonic!  Miosis vs. Mydriasis easiest mnemonic ( Illustration created using Canva ) More letters in the word - wider the pupil.